The community of Olgulului Lalarashi Group Ranch gathered at Enko’ngu Narok in a colourful event held on Friday 26 January 2024 to celebrate the launch of their Grazing Management Plan and the awarding ceremony of the best grazing committees.
The event, organized by the Amboseli Ecosystem Trust with support from the Justdiggit Foundation, is a culmination of numerous engagements, training, cross-learning, workshops, restoration interventions, and field assessment reports on the best practices for rangeland management.
The launch marked a significant milestone for the communities of the Amboseli Ecosystem in their effort to enhance climate change resilience by amplifying traditional pastoral systems of grazing and pasture management into effective grazing management structures that can secure forage for both livestock and wildlife.
The event was crowned by an awarding ceremony to recognize the best overall zone in implementing traditional grazing systems.
Asante sana to all our partners, with special gratitude to the Just Diggit Foundation, and friends who joined us to celebrate this historic event.